My name is Paula and i live in the Netherlands. My professional carrier started late because I stayed home and took care a long time for my youngest son who got severe brain damage on a young age.
So in my forties when he no longer lived at home and I was "free" again, I wanted to start working. Because of my age and lack of experience no others jobs were offered than cleaning. Nothing wrong with that profession but it is not for me.
I followed some courses to work with a PC and learn the basis programs as well as a marketing course. After that with great difficulty i could find office jobs. However they were all temporary jobs. I was hopping from one job to the other and was long periods without work in between.
As a hobby I learned to build websites and i became pretty good at it. So I started my own business. It went quit well for a number of years but got less work when many services popped up where people could build websites them selves without knowledge and technical skills.
So on the side I earned an additional income from affiliate programs. However more and more people started to create sites to earn from affiliates. Holland is not that big so at the end there were thousands of websites promoting the same and income started to diminish there as well.
At that point I decided to go global for affiliate activities. I explored a bit and found out that on a global level many marketers used social media, mailing lists and traffic exchanges for promotion.
Well I had been checking out Twitter as it started. What I saw were some Tweets about a dog pooping on the carpet and tweets from people that could not decide what to cook. That was my first and last visit of twitter until I went global in 2010. But since they seemed to be an effective marketing tool I decided to join some of them.
I found some other networks like APSsense and IMfaceplate and I started reading articles to educate myself on how to find a good program and how to promote it. I surfed some TEs as well where I saw many people promoting the same programs all promising the moon. I also figured that if I wanted people to join a program I promoted that it was essential that people got to know me first. So I started reading and contributing as well. Despite the reading I also fell for a questionable program in my early days, Kooday. But I got second thoughts about this program and I decided to write a topic "Is the dream of Kooday going to turn into a nightmare?". I got feedback on that article and some of the comments made sense to me. I stopped promoting Kooday and started to follow Dave Gilbert and read his articles and comments. Through his profile I found Kooiii and joined it; at that time it was still free to join.
Very soon Kooiii became my favorite network. As opposed to other networks good information was easy to find. No hype and BS (sorry the expression). When a position to become and admin became vacant I applied expecting to be turned down as a newby form the Netherlands. To my surprise I was accepted.
I learned a lot from the owners Dave and Andy and the other admins. Especially Dave took a lot of time to help me develop new skills. He encouraged me to tackle many hurdles I never thought myself capable to take.
Now I am executive at Kooiii and own a Traffic exchange. I have plans on setting up a graphic design service. I am still not there where I want to be. But now i have the confidence that I will get there with the training and tools I have at my disposal at Kooiii.
When I started my on-line adventure I was totally confused. Where to start, how to start, what opportunity to choose, figure out effective use of funds and time, how to set my priorities and many questions more. As up till today I still don't have all the answers. I was fortunate to get to know people who set me on the right track. You can read more on the about me page. What I learned from those prohibited me from wasting time and money. Now I want to help others to start with the right foot on front first.